We spoke to Dead Pony guitarist, Blair Crichton, about their epic rise through the UK rock scene, the upcoming "Ignore This" tour, (be quick to get tickets), their nomination for the Scottish Album of the Year award and more!
1. Congratulations on the shortlisting of "Ignore This" for the Scottish album of the year award! How does it feel to make these achievements so early into your career and with your debut album, no less?
"It feels great!! It’s very life affirming to receive this kind of critical response to our debut album. We felt ready to make a great album and I’m really happy that the response has been positive."
2. More on the album, it was released back in April. Has it achieved everything you wanted it to? Did you ever think you would've made the shortlist for SAY award?
"Yeah it totally has. The album had achieved everything I wanted it to after we had it all mixed and we were able to just sit down and listen to it. I just wanted to create a big, fun album that represented what Dead Pony was about and didn’t really have any aspirations for it’s commercial or critical achievements. I guess we had hoped that the album would get some sort of nod from the SAY award but getting this far wasn’t in our expectations."
trange song with lyrics that are very meaningful and personal. It’s full of energy and character and I think it kind of represents me as a person."
3. What was the inspiration behind the lyricism for 'Ignore This?’
"The lyrics were inspired from a feeling of the band having always been ignored and not acknowledged for the potential we believed we had. Ignore this became a mantra for our discontent towards our situation and helped fuel the creativity to make the album."
4. We are approaching almost 2 years since your hit single '23, Never Me' was released. How do you feel you have changed in such a short, but busy period of time?
"We have developed massively artistically. We have never stopped working on our craft of songwriting and producing music. Furthermore, we have toured pretty relentlessly and have developed our live show from being simply a re-creation of our recorded music to being a big ruckus mental performance full of energy, vibe and showmanship."
5. What is your favourite track on the record?
"I love the track “myself”. It’s a short wee s
6. How did you decide on the order for the releases of each single, and for the order of the tracklist?
"The order of release was kind of just based on what song we were vibing with the most at the time and what we thought the fans would love. Our singles are generally high energy bangers. The album track listing was roughly based on the track listing for songs for the deaf by queens of the stone age. We had this running joke during the recording of the album that our album would be the best rock album since songs for the deaf so we tried to mirror it in some regards."
7. You're also taking off on your 'Ignore This' tour in a few weeks, with all but a couple of venues sold out. How are you feeling ahead of this run? You're very well versed in playing shows for such a young band!
"Very excited about this tour, we have a crazy show planned for it, amazing support bands coming with us and our fans always cause mayhem at our shows."
8. How will you decide the setlist? Is it going to be the whole new album in full, or will you be mixing it up a bit? Perhaps, any potential un-released songs will make an appearance?
"Honestly I think running the album in order would be kinda boring lol. We have a mega set lined up that includes some un released music and some deep cuts from there album that we have never played live before."
9. You're following this up from your September 2023 tour, re-visiting many of the same cities, but at bigger (some quite a bit bigger) venues. How does it feel to make that step up in such a short space of time?
"I never expected our following to get this big and never expected us to be known as a really strong live band but it has totally become our biggest channel. Selling out these bigger venues in cities all around the UK has totally blown me away and has acted as a kind of life affirming event."
10. Which show are you most looking forward to?
"So there is 3 shows that I have high hopes for on this tour - Glasgow, London and Manchester. On our last tour Manchester and London were actually the best shows. However, we started the last tour in Glasgow and refined the show as we went along, whereas we are finishing in Glasgow this time with our biggest headline show ever. 900 rowdy Glaswegians has got to be a night to remember."
11. Just rounding off now, you're recently been announced as support for a few shows with the icons, You Me At Six. What does that band mean to you and what was it like getting that call up?
"Yeah getting the offer in for those shows was crazy. We all went to go and see YMAS at some point when we were little emo kids and dreamed of one day being in a band like theirs. It’s gonna be mega!!!"
There are still some tickets knocking about for some venues, but you'll want to act fast if you don't want to miss out: ticket link
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