We spoke to dad-core band, Further North, about their latest releases, how they coined the term dad-core, and what their plans are for the future!
Russian Roulette joined us back in August, it still slaps and we're spinning it daily. How do you feel this track was received?
We were nervous putting RR out because it was a big style jump for us but it seems to have done pretty well since its release so we’re thankful for that!
What was it like recording the video for Russian Roulette?
It was actually very very chill and not as intense as the music videos we had done previously. Joshua Shultz is a genius and it was so rad that our schedules lined up like they did to meet up in San Antonio to film the that video.
Incidentally, Echoes (XO) has just joined us very recently! What inspired the lyrics to the latest single?
So, when we came back from Los Angeles in 2022, we all had more of a direction & mindset of what we wanted to write and put out musical direction and lyrically as well. Echoes is written about the nostalgia of growing up in a town and driving the streets through out the years and seeing different places and people who invoke different memories good and bad.
Speaking of singles, there are plenty. Will these all be added to a full length sometime soon, whats the plan?
We’ve definitely considered putting everything on a full length record as one compilation but I think releasing singles is the model of the industry currently so will probably stay doing that for a while.
Personally, in my life today or Russian Roulette are a tie between my favourites. What are yours and why?
I think most artists will say their newest release is their favorite because it’s new and I’m gonna have to play that card as well and say echoes is my favorite personally. I don’t know that we have written a catchier chorus with any other song so far and I also love how specific and honest the lyrics are to a lot of different times & places in our personal lives.
You have been described as "dad-core" a few times. How does it feel to have your very own label?
The term “sad dad core” came from a local video podcast we did years ago. It ended up being printed on a benefit shirt for that podcast and it just stuck. 3/5 of the band are dad’s full time too so it just worked perfectly for us.
You've been playing a few shows here and there, how have they all been? Do we feel a bit more of a headline tour yourselves coming on?
We've been pretty selective of shows for about a year now not wanting to play too much around our hometown and I think the reason for that is to build a want for our live shows in the area. DFW has so much good music that you can find very solid, awesome musicians playing almost every night of a week so we want to make our shows a special as we can. As far as touring goes, we definitely have stuff lined up for summer and fall of this year
What is the plan for the next 12 months?
There’s some touring throughout the year, but we also have a trip to Nashville and more than likely back to Los Angeles for some writing sessions that we’re planning on. We’d love to get as busy as we can comfortably anytime we can though!
You seem to have a very tightknit fanbase, none more so than your better halves. What is it like having such close and intense support?
Flat out, we wouldn’t be able to do this or anything else that we have planned for the future if it wasn’t for our families support and understanding in all of it. So it always feels really good to have a good support system backing us up, even whenever it doesn’t feel like we deserve it.
What would be your dream venue to play?
I’d say Chain Reaction in Anaheim, CA because I’ve worked for bands that have toured through there and it’s always been on my checklist ever since I watched Bury Your Dead’s “Alive” DVD that was filmed there. And I’d say the Dallas House of Blues because everybody wants to conquer their hometown’s biggest venue right?
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
I’d say John Feldman or Howard Benson for producers / writers and bands, we’d love to play some shows with anybody who will have us. We love networking and building relationships with other bands / promoters anywhere we can. Thats what keeps the community alive and thriving.
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