Cheer Up Dusty are a band that have continually wowed us here since their inception and it is so great to see the lengths they have come since first coming into contact with these guys. Take a look at our most recent interview below.
Firstly, let's talk about your latest EP "Don't Take it Personally, Take it Seriously", how do you feel it has been received?
Justin: The ones closest to us have had good things to say, we’ve had a few nice write ups. I think we learned a lot marketing wise because I don’t feel as many people have heard it as it could have been but we learned a lot and we’re still 100% DIY so we’ll keep at it.
Brayan: I feel it has been received well by our fans, friends, and family. It was great to show them what we’re capable of, and how it’s only the start. It hasn’t achieved everything I wanted to yet, but again, only because I feel it’s just the start of it all!
What was the inspiration for the lyrics behind DTIPTIS?
J: Most of our lyrics come from me writing about my life. I tend to just write about my life because the band started as a coping mechanism and writing about my life calms me down I guess. These songs are mainly about 2019-2022. Murphy’s is about me having nowhere to go so I’m staying at my dads and sisters bouncing around, Blackbox is about all these late night drives to clear my head, Legacy started with me worrying if anyone’s going to care when I die I had a close friend pass at only 30 and around then I reflected heavily on my own mortality, and yeah it’s just life, living. (In the studio I bring in my lyrics and themes and then collectively the band and producers Pete Zen and Mikey Lince helped fine tune. I just wanted to bring credit since it wasn’t just myself.)
We're actually really close to the 3 year anniversary of the release of "Randy Savage Would be Disappointed." How do you feel you've changed in the past 3 years? How has song writing and routines changed?
J: Murphy’s was the last thing I did solo. I had recorded some [songs, including ‘Randy’] with Nick years before he was in the Cheer Up Dusty then finished it with some friends of ours from a rad band, The American Standard, and released it as a single. Honestly, if I’m being 110% honest, I cringe at everything released pre EP2. I appreciate where the band started but I just see our improvement and I’m much happier and it’s of course because of the guys ha. We’re able collectively to create some quality songs and I think we can still improve so, I’m stoked.
B: J, probably covered most of it but for me it’s been great to evolve and learn with the guys. I joined right before the drop of ‘Randy’ and right after all of EP2 was recorded so being able to incorporate some of my routines and trying things has been fun. EHM and this EP was the first shot at displaying my contributions to Dusty and I’m thankful for being able to do that with this team.
We've got 3 EP's out now, and not to forget this one in a hurry, but when will we be getting a full LP?
J: Dude if we just had the time we wish we had, we'd have 2-3 full lengths by now. Between work, kids, and so on we’re doing our best to create more. We’re slow moving but moving. I know everyone’s been tinkering and I’m ready to write so never say die.
B: These days it’s a very big investment to go full LP and really give it the love it deserves, but I feel we’re on the cusp of giving it a shot!
You're announcing shows here and there, do you have any plans to operate a full tour?
J: We’ve done a few weekenders and we started venturing out but it’s just very expensive and we all have full time jobs, so I won’t lie it’s proven difficult. But we’re not out for the count. We got something coming up, we’re playing around Philly, we’re out here.
B: We definitely want to! It’s expensive! We are just working on putting the pieces together so we can make it all plausible and be able to reach a lot of people who are so eager to connect and meet with us!
Tough Question: What's your favourite track on the latest EP?
J: Murphy’s.
B: Small Goals, Tiny Victories, has a very special place in my heart.
If we gave you $10 to buy a rider, what would you buy?
J: I’d look at you confused and say “a rider?”
B: Core Power Protein Shakes and an Arizona Iced Tea lol.
Which 2 bands would you most like to tour with and why?
J: I wouldn’t mind playing these Taylor Swift crowds. Who’s got the next biggest crowds? Whoever 2nd is.
B: Driveways and Turnstile. We did a small weekend with Driveways and it was an amazing experience. Great music, great guys, and we learned so much from them. I’d love to get another shot. Turnstile is my bigger pick since they’re killing it and I loved the entire vibe of their latest album.
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