Daniel: Thank you - that's an early call but we super appreciate it! The response has been incredible, we are totally absolutely blown away. It's been played on Radio 1, had over 20k streams... It has reached so many people and we have felt the love.
Meg: Yes, definitely a break up song! But to go a bit more in depth, it's about the human part of us that feels the need to cover up and hide behind ''I'm fine's'' when going through hard things. Vulnerability is really hard and takes a lot of courage but I think it is also what connects us with ourselves and with others. We can all relate with heartbreak, disappointment, and picking ourselves up off the ground when we've been knocked down. 'Mascara Mess' offers that challenge in expressing yourself and facing the difficult things head on rather than suppressing them. There's freedom and strength that comes from that.
D: It was a really fun process! Completely DIY—shot, edited, and all that. Meg and I definitely hit the point of mild delirium while filming her bedroom scenes. We were up until 5am at her flat, just hanging out while my camera batteries recharged. She was sitting there covered in makeup, looking half glamorous, half exhausted. The live parts were filmed in our practice space—we just took turns filming, which was actually pretty fun. Editing had its challenges, but we made it through in the end!
M: I love the creative process of developing a music video to go along with a release! It allows us to further communicate the song's message at a deeper level than just the audio or live performance can. And not to mention, Daniel is an absolute legend - he is beyond talented and filmed and edited the video himself!
M: Honestly, it's only been a year but I feel like I've been a part of this band for so much longer! They guys have been amazing and have welcomed me with open arms. Kris is so talented and I've definitely had some big shoes to fill! But something that I've really appreciated is that they have encouraged me to be authentically me.
As for the interview process, it feels funny to call it that when it all happened so organically! I got a message from Daniel explaining how they were looking for a new vocalist. They stumbled on my profile and asked if I'd be interested (to this day, I really don't know how they found me, we had no mutual friends and I wasn't all that active in the music scene at that point!). I looked up the band and thought ''this is too good to be true but I'll give it a go!'' and met up with the guys for a coffee (I was actually only expecting Daniel and then the whole gang showed up!). We then booked a practice date to play together, had a jam...and the rest is history! Although it seemed to happen out of nowhere, I couldn't imagine a more perfect fit. I'm so grateful they found me and took a chance on me!
D: When Kris stepped away, there was definitely a bit of a "…so, what now?" moment, even though it wasn’t a total surprise. He’s a great friend and such a big presence, so we weren’t sure exactly how things would unfold. Meg, in many ways, is the complete opposite, but that’s actually been really refreshing. It’s changed how we write and work, but honestly, I can’t praise her enough—she’s an absolute star. We had to find our rhythm and adjust to the new dynamic, but with Meg’s drive, dedication, and talent, it’s been a pretty smooth transition.
D: Tough one but Mascara Mess just edges it for me. It's a bit of a more well rounded emotional rock song and that probably just resonates more with me.
M: I agree with Daniel, this is a hard question! But I'd have to go with Vampires - partly because, with it being my first release with the guys, it feels sentimental! I also loved the creativity we drew out of the music video concept and release as a way of introducing a 'Say It Anyway - Revamped'!
D: Honestly, an album isn’t on the cards right now. We’ll definitely be putting out more music, but as a small DIY band, a full-length record just doesn’t feel like the right move at the moment. The way people consume music has changed so much—it’s all about staying consistently active rather than dropping 12 songs at once and then vanishing. We’re focusing on taking it one song at a time, making each one as strong as possible, and just enjoying the process. Since we do everything ourselves—writing, recording, filming videos, planning releases, managing socials, booking shows, artwork—it’s already a huge workload just for one song. So for now, we’re keeping it fun and making sure we don’t burn ourselves out!
D: Maybe I shouldn’t admit this, but… we don’t actually prepare that much! Since I recently moved to Portugal, rehearsals are a bit limited—I’ll just fly back a day or two before, we’ll squeeze in a couple of practices, and then just get in the van. We might throw in a surprise or two for the set, because, well… that’s just what we do. As for the secret show on the 4th, it’s only been under wraps because of another band’s announcement schedule—but it should be out in the open soon!
D: Tough question for a few reasons… Our “locals” are kind of all over the place—Cheltenham, the outskirts of Somerset, Cardiff, and Southern Portugal! But if we stick to Bristol/South Wales, it’s solid. There are still some great bands and venues pushing through and keeping the scene alive.
D: First off, good coffee—because without it, we’re basically just very tired mannequins holding instruments. Then crisps, obviously. Hummus is a must too, because crisps get lonely too. Maybe a few beers for the crew and an Irn-Bru for Meg.
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